Not long ago there was an ad in Transvestia for the Uba Fashion Shop, on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood with services directed towards the needs of the transvestite community.
As I was recently on a business trip to Southern California, I made way to Uba's, an odd little shop, gaudily decorated with bright flags and banners, just in case one might miss the narrow entrance way and the welcome extended by Uba.
Once past the two vocal Dobermans which help guard the premises, one quickly feels the gentle acceptance of one's presense, nonjudgemental, as one is. And, what a profusion of dresses, gowns. corsets, foundations and other underthings, stockings and costumes! If it is one's first visit here, as it was mine, there is also a feeling of almost uncontrollable excitement.
Uba inquired as to my wishes; I merely said that I'd like to look around. I'm sure she is used to that first tentative comment from new customers.
Nervously, I fingered through racks and heaps of foundation garments, searching for a black all-in-one panty corselet with a snap crotch opening, such as I once saw displayed in a store window in New York (I always regretted that I didn't have the nerve, at that time, to just go in and buy it). Finally, not finding what I was looking for, I got up the courage to ask Uba, and almost at once, she located just the garment for which I had been searching, black lace elastic, with a satin nylon front panel and extra lace elastic trim about the